Company-specific testing procedures

»With large numbers of applicants, it is worth developing your own test procedures, SJTs and personality questionnaires«

Scene Test processing on the PC - tailored to individual needs

In particular, clients who supervise a large number of employees, either in the context of recruiting or in personnel development measures, come to us with the need to develop company-specific test procedures. This involves, for example, developing SJTs (Situational Judgement Tests) for the online-supported pre-selection of trainees, creating a cognitive test with company-specific tables and graphics, or producing questionnaires on competences relevant to the company.

The advantages of these company-specific tools are that those constructs that are relevant for the customer or critical for the success of the organisation can be collected and measured. In addition, design aspects such as the client's corporate design or visual material can be integrated and the appropriate target group-specific approach can be designed throughout the test implementation.

Further advantages lie on the cost side, as the investment for an in-house development is amortised relatively quickly and an interface, e.g. to the existing applicant management system, facilitates and accelerates internal processes.

The test procedures are developed in a scientifically sound manner and the items are of course analysed and optimised in internal pre-tests before real use. The questionnaires are integrated into a survey software. Here we cooperate with two software providers who meet our requirements for usability, data protection and customising options. For many customer projects, we offer regular evaluation and continuously develop the test procedures.

Scene Test processing on the PC - customised customer solutions

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