Team development

»Clarified relationships lead to motivation« Heinz Sommer

Teambuilding Scene - Building Bridges

The key objective of team coaching or team development is to improve cooperation within the team and to improve the overall team performance. Time and again, we identify the same or similar causes that have a negative impact on collaboration and performance: unclear objectives and responsibilities, poorly defined interfaces and procedures, lack of possibilities for communication (e.g. regular team or project meetings) or lack of common understanding.

An analysis of the current situation serves as a basis for further coaching. The situation can be determined beforehand by means of interviews by using our team barometer. Alternatively, strengths and fields of improvement can be determined at the beginning of a team development workshop together with the manager and the team members.

The areas of activity identified are then systematically addressed in small groups and proposals are shared and discussed together with the team in order to define joint measures for future action.

Apart from the areas of activity detected on a process level, often further fields of action can be identified with regard to team cooperation. Team coaching serves to lay down common rules that are binding for all team members. Clarifying the objectives and developing an attractive, common vision of the future also has a positive effect on team cooperation. Long existing and intractable conflicts can be addressed during moderated coaching sessions and, ideally, solved in a constructive manner.

Ultimately, a team development process provides the basis to achieve the objectives defined, to create a common team identity, to determine a standard for the allocation of tasks and decision-making competencies and to create suitable communication structures. These are the preconditions for good cooperation and high performance within a team.

Scene - good communication in the team workshop

Team coaching is typically conducted in cases of

  • Newly formed teams, e.g. following restructuring
  • Teams during change processes
  • Teams with current conflicts
  • Teams under new leadership

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