Evaluation diagnostics
»Identification of levers for optimising the quality of the processes used«
Objectivity, reliability and validity - these are the main quality criteria of a diagnostic procedure that no psychology student can ignore. But secondary quality criteria such as economy, fairness or external design should not be neglected when it comes to assessing the quality of an AC or an individual instrument. When purchasing external standardised test procedures and instruments, clients can obtain this information and reputable test providers will be able to answers here.
But what about the quality of our self-designed procedures? To what extent do they measure what they are supposed to measure and reliably distinguish suitable from unsuitable participants and applicants?
How do I combine the desire to use an innovative and preferably digital instrument with the requirements of validity, which often presupposes a certain development period and the existence of meaningful studies?
We analyse your instruments and diagnostic procedures in terms of their quality and efficiency. What added value does an additional exercise in the assessment centre bring? To what extent are the quality characteristics of standardisation adhered to? Is the difficulty of the instruments used suitable for the target group? These and other questions are answered by our methodological experts and we offer suggestions for optimising the quality of your procedures.
Our services
- Analysis of individual instruments and exercises
- Analysis of assessment centre procedures and potential analyses
- Analysis of the entire diagnostic process from the requirements profile to the staffing decision
- Derivation of practicable optimisation proposals suitable for your focal points