Virtual training

»When the winds of change blow, some build walls and others windmills.« John F. Kennedy

Screenshot of a virtual training - new possibilities

As a result of Corona we have recognised the need to "build windmills" and implement the possibilities of digitalisation much more strongly than before in our training. In the process, we were able to gather many positive experiences and realise that the virtual space offers more opportunities for exchange, learning and gaining knowledge than we ourselves had suspected. However, even after Corona, there will be many occasions and framework conditions in which virtual training offers more advantages than a classic in person event.

Virtual training is particularly suitable for groups of participants who are in different locations. It is easy to optimise travel times and costs. Virtual training can also be a suitable option for content where many short training impulses make didactic sense.

The challenge is to set up the events methodically and technically in such a way that they are inspiring and entertaining despite the physical distance, support the exchange and activity of the participants and allow for reflection and learning gains.

This is achieved by changing the structure of the training: short motivational presentations and discussion rounds in the plenary, the intensive development of topics and application exercises in break-out sessions as well as the integration of online queries and mood pictures often lead to this feedback from the participants: "That was sure intensive and entertaining - I would not have expected that from a virtual training session".

Meeting for a virtual training

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