Online Coaching
»Life is like a bicycle. You have to keep moving forward so as not to lose your balance.« Albert Einstein

In 2020, we were able to gain a lot of positive experience in conducting online coaching due to the requirements under the Corona pandemic. We were able to realise that much more relationship building, learning and knowledge gain is possible in the virtual space than we had suspected. However, even after Corona, there will be many occasions and framework conditions in which online coaching is preferable to a coaching session in person.
Online coaching is particularly suitable when there is a physical distance between coach and coachee. Online coaching allows for optimisation of travel times and costs as well as more flexible scheduling.
However, online coaching can also be chosen for specific coaching occasions or preferences of the coachee. The challenge here is to design the coaching sessions methodically and technically in such a way that, despite the physical distance, a good relationship and level of trust can be built up between coach and coachee and different methods facilitate the desired gains in reflection and learning.
We recommend the combination of in person and virtual coaching in coaching processes in order to combine the advantages of both variants.